Saturday 9 May 2015

I want a lambo so bad I will leave my comfort zone filled with entiltlemt potholes

I never had a seventh birthday
the age of majority in your
i was stuck at sixteen'
for me it meant freedom
in this world
i could drive a car
and wander
far and star
in my own life
from different locations
and then come back 
home without additional
support when it was
time to sleep

Age of majority means
nothing when there is 
no real law
its all a side screen
for pretending
that adolescents
are going to be well
because we legislated that
there is a fucking law 
against that child
if you can not listen to
me listen to the government
they are shopping at my store
and your an embarrassment with 
your boycott
of things 
that are just done that way

We can fill a full free drop box
full of the bullshit that passes
for laws written with such a narrow
scope law students think they are 
bad law 
until they are paid to write them
in concrete reinforced with tatami
a bunker of entiletlemetn even 
Iron Man could not penetrate
but is that a decision
he would every decide
given he is 1%
and he like toys
that are worth more
than the GDP of

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