Wednesday 18 June 2014

Uncertain News

The hundreds of you wacky enough to read what I say have been asking me when 
Steve live will arrive. This is a great undertaking. I do not want to come off half cocked. Credibility is the most important value proposition of those who spend their precious time on your testament. My brand is my brand and I am not COKE.
Pravda means truth, the New York Times, NBC and all the mainstream media mean corporate. That is why my news channel will be called the Uncertain news. I will report the news with lots of alleged, not provable, circumstance only.
If I had to pick one blog that would preview whats coming it would be this.
My backpack is full of ideas, the big idea that rules us today is that history is a biography of great men. Was a time you could make that argument. But today look at Iraq and say with a straight face GWB.
History today is full time full stream full force manipulation of facts to fit scenarios that can be sold. My news will question that brand.

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