Friday 18 October 2013

Van Morrison World

I am listening to Van Morrison as i type. Just stop for a second and listen to the magic. 

Could I live in a word ruled by van Morrison. Well how much worse could it be than the world that he said. Now that we are grown up democracy people do we not know that with leadership you have to take gregarious blows. Yes your going to laugh at the pols trying to bend reality to overcome circumstance  but the end result is that while you may work out religiously the power of government is going to be in your pants. In a world of psycho killers this should be some kind of romance. But the truth is really hard. For example did you know that in 1996 the most bad-ass citizen of the USA  predicted a jet airliner would be used as most asymmetric and non preventable bomb. Seems hard to believe none of the cowpeoples in the W administration had not had someone read it to them.

Hate is easy, understanding at the point of a gun is difficult. For anyone thinking killing people is a path to progress I ask you what about your tribe and how death effects you. Well I can tell you one truth that should really understand, its the worst thing we can experience in the mortal world. Those who can convince people to give up their life for some security  boogieman should be Zombie food. We live on plane earth. We have made this existence no different than living in a good neighborhood. Wake up Zombies we are heading into flesh eating days.

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